Clear Hills Lamb is based in Goorambat, Northeast Victoria.

When you choose to purchase from Clear Hills Lamb you are supporting a local farmer. Home grown goodness from our paddock to your plate!

Clear Hills Lamb is Southdown cross Charollais lamb, which is tender and known for its full flavor.

Our lamb is raised ethically and processed by a butcher and delivered direct to your door.

Our lambs are grass fed, raised by their mothers for as long as possible and guaranteed free range.

No animal growth hormones, antibiotics or forced feeding programs are used in raising our produce.

Clear Hills Lamb is a seasonal product and we cant wait to share this taste sensation with you!

We are currently able to deliver to Albury, Wodonga, Wangaratta, Benalla and Mansfield.

Please make contact with us prior to ordering if you are outside of these areas and we will do our best to arrange delivery to you!  

  • Lamb Chops

    Perfectly paired with the BBQ! You will impress any guests with these!

  • Lamb in a box

    From our farm, to the processing facility straight to your door. Whole lamb in a box perfectly portioned and packaged to make meals easy!

  • Cuts of lamb

    Each Lamb pack comes with a variety of cuts including half roast, full roast, shanks, chops, racks of lamb, medallions and the tastiest sausages you can buy!